Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day 4-- School Vacation = Parenting Overdrive


Have I mentioned that this week and next are one of the brief periods where Charlotte has no school or camp? Yes, that's right...she's home, and that means we've got to keep her busy. Now that we have two, that's a new and unusual challenge.

Dave was at our office today, preparing for Baby's First Ballgame and some other fun stuff. And so, it was up to me to entertain these nudniks, at least for most of the morning. What's a girl to do?

Well, first, one must enlist the help of her "mommy bff". You see, other mommies, ESPECIALLY mommies who are in the same situation of camp/school hiatus, understand your pain. And so, I called mommy bff Stacy, and asked if she and her daughter would like to meet us for breakfast. Here is a picture of "mommy bff":

Huh, you say? Why is this a pic of the back of her head? It's quite simple. When you have four year olds, they are not really interested in taking pictures of your face. Today, my daughter wanted pictures of everyone's hair. Alas, this is the only pic I have of mommy bff from our adventures today.

Anyhoo, we started off by going to breakfast. The girls were complete angels. (Here's the pic to prove it)

Then, we went to the playground by my house and played in the sprinklers. There, we saw one of the coolest miracles around...

We took a break for lunch. Mommy, Charlotte and Kate went home and snuggled. THEN, Daddy came home and decided to take Charlotte and Samantha (daughter of mommy bff) to play tennis at our pool, while Mommy BFF and I hung out with Kate and watched. (Thank goodness for mommy bffs....seriously, you need company when going through this crazy mommy life!) Tennis was incredibly cute, and not just because of these snazzy outfits.

The day ended with Kate's bath...where she proceeded to poop all over the bath, all over me, and all over Charlotte. After we all finished laughing, we cleaned her up, put her on Charlotte's beanbag chair and took a photo to commemorate the moment.

Now, the girls are asleep. Dave is watching the Mets game. I am writing away. I would say it was a great day!


Stacy M. said...

Can you believe those girls were so good yesterday? Samantha came home and got about 10 special stars. BTW, love the pic of me... you might not get another better during this pregnancy! :)

Rayni said...

Hmmmm...seems to me somewhere in the back of my brain, there's a vague memory of something similar....about a gazillion years ago....

Very cute shots of the kids together. I'm enjoying this blog. Thanks!

lotsa love....