Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pictures Galore!!!

Okay, it's been too long since I went on a picture taking spree....and so, to entertain the doze--I mean millions of people who check this blog are some updated pictures.

First, here is Kate just two days shy of her six-month birthday:

Here she is in her Bumbo, getting ready to sit on her own:

Here she is eating Sweet Potato, fed to her by her sister:

Here she is, post Sweet Potato, in the bath:

Here she is at the Bowling Alley, watching her sister bowl a strike (in bumper bowl, that is):

Here are a few pics of the two girls hanging out together:

And finally, here is Charlotte on a trip with her dad into the city to see Max and Ruby!!!! What fun!

I hope you enjoyed this photo adventure! Happy New Year's Eve Eve!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Two of my fave pics! There's "Charlotte & Kate lounging around" and a great pic of Kate in her Bumbo! :)